
CSRF Protection

Note about CSRF protection. This basically prevents hackers from being able to post to our POST routes without having actually loaded a form on our website. E.g. they could potentially create users if they found out the URL for our register routes and the params we expect (its fairly easy to do). But with CSRF protection, all forms have a hidden field that is verified on our end. This is a bit low level, but there is a SESSION object stored on the flask server in memory. Each user has their own session containing things like their username, user id, etc When a form created, a random string called a CSRF token is created and is sent along with the form in a hidden field. Simultaneously, this string is added to the user session stored on the server. When the user submits a form, then the server will check to see if the hidden form field with the CSRF token matches the CSRF token stored in the user’s session on the server. If it does, then everything is fine and the POST request can proceed normally. If not, then the POST request is aborted as a 403 (i think) error is thrown…basically the user is not able to POST. This is great for forms, but if you want to create a public API that does not require a session, then you’ll want to include a decorator on your route @csrf.exempt


login_manager = LoginManager()
login_manager.session_protection = 'strong'
login_manager.login_view = 'account.login'

Flask-login provides us with a bunch of easy ways to do secure and simple login techniques. LoginManager() is the main class that will handle all of this. Session protection makes sure the user session is very secure and login_manager.login_view is the view that a non-authenticated user will get redirected to. Otherwise it is a 401 error.



init_app(app) are methods in each of these packages. It binds each instance of the respective application to the flask app. However, we do need to specify an application context while using things like db, mail, login_manager, and compress since they are not bound to our application _exclusively_.

Set up Asset Pipeline

This one is a bit complex. First an Environment instance is created that holds references to a single path to the ‘static’ folder. We don’t really care about that since the url_for() method allows us to specify access to resources in the static/ directory. But we then append all the folders and files within the ‘dirs’ array to the environment. This action provides context for the subsequence set of register actions. Looking in app/assets.py there are some Bundle instances created with 3 parameters mainly: what type of file(s) to bundle, a type of filter/ transpiler to apply, and then a final output file. E.g. for the app_css bundle, it looks within assets/styles, assets/scripts for any *.scss files, converts them to css with the scss transpiler and then outputs it to the styles/app.css file. See the templates/partials/_head.html file for more information on how to actually include the file.


from account import account as account_blueprint
from admin import admin as admin_blueprint
from main import main as main_blueprint

app.register_blueprint(account_blueprint, url_prefix='/account')
app.register_blueprint(admin_blueprint, url_prefix='/admin')

Blueprints allow us to set up url prefixes for routes contained within the views file of each of the divisions we specify to be registered with a blueprint. Blueprints are meant to distinguish between the variable different bodies within a large application. In the case of flask-base, we have ‘main’, ‘account’, and ‘admin’ sections. The ‘main’ section contains error handling and views. The other sections contain mainly just views. The folders for each of these sections also contain an __init__ file which actually creates the Blueprint itself with a name and a default __name__ param as well. After that, the views file and any other files that depend upon the blueprint are imported and can use the variable name assigned to the blueprint to reference things like decorators for routes. e.g. if my blueprint is name ‘first_component’, I would use the following as a decorator for my routes @first_component.route’. By specifying the url_prefix, all of the functions and routes etc of the blueprint will be read with the base url_prefix specified. E.g. if I wanted to access the ‘/blah’ route within the ‘acount’ blueprint, I need only specify @account.router(‘/blah’) def … as my method in views.py under the account/ directory. But I would be able to access it in the browser with yourdomain.com/accounts/blah

A note on why we are importing here: Because stuff will break…and for a good reason! The account import in turn imports the views.py file under the account/ directory. The views.py in turn references db db is the database instance which was created after the import statements If we had included these import statements at the very top, views.py under account would have refered to a db instance which was not created! hence errors…all the errors (at least in files relying upon a created db instance…and any instance created beyond that.